We invite you to come join us on a journey we are embarking on. We are a family of four who for the last 10 years have talked about sailing around the globe and visiting different countries, cultures and parts of the world. We want to SAIL AND SERVE. We want to see what our Creator, who gives life its' purpose and meaning, is doing around the world and take part in His work of restoration and caring for the suffering. We are not experienced sailors nor very wealthy, we just know that we have been given one life and we want to make the most of it. So here we go!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Four more months

We are slowly getting more and more ready for the new chapter in our lives. Still, there are so many things that need to be done.  Big things!  Like schooling for the children, Navigation class, figuring out storage while we are away, where exactly to go, what equipment to take with us, laptops, health insurance, communications etc.  The list goes on and on. We go from being excited to overwhelmed, to excited again. 


  1. Look forward to follow this! Will this be the "official" blog?

  2. Yes. That is the plan. We want the kids to be regular contributors here as well. Say hi to your wonderful family!
