We invite you to come join us on a journey we are embarking on. We are a family of four who for the last 10 years have talked about sailing around the globe and visiting different countries, cultures and parts of the world. We want to SAIL AND SERVE. We want to see what our Creator, who gives life its' purpose and meaning, is doing around the world and take part in His work of restoration and caring for the suffering. We are not experienced sailors nor very wealthy, we just know that we have been given one life and we want to make the most of it. So here we go!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sail and Serve Newsletter

As many of you know we are about to embark on a new chapter in our lives that will be the realization of a dream God planted in our hearts well over a decade ago. The dream was and is to sell our house (and most everything else as well) quit our jobs and spend the next several years travelling around the world, with our kids, joining God in the Kingdom building work He is already doing all over the planet. The mode of transportation God chose for us ~ Sailboat. Which, upon reflection, seems somewhat ironic since neither of us knew how to sail. 

Fast forward to the present and you'll see we've sold our house (and some other stuff) quit one of our jobs and given notice at the other, learned as much about sailing as was feasible from a land-locked place like Colorado, bought a 42' sailboat and have just recently returned from an amazing trip to Florida to move it from Ft. Lauderdale to its new home on Marco Island on the gulf side of the state. We feel like we are being magically swept along by God's hand and all these marvelous things are unfolding before us.  We have also recently seen God open doors to ministry opportunities which we are tremendously excited about!  Before we share those details here is a snapshot of our recent trip.

Not only did God provide perfect weather (sunshine & steady 15-20 knot winds and following seas) for our trip, but He also carefully orchestrated every imaginable detail and provided numerous surprises and entertainment along the way. Marcel Griessman from Alsace, France joined us for this journey and provided not just good instruction (he is a sailing instructor in France) but a great attitude, sense of humor and delicious crepes. Believe it or not he paid us for his costs. I’m not making this up! We experienced God's handiwork in the small details falling perfectly into place as well as in some of the big events and little surprises along the way i.e. getting hit in the shoulder by a flying fish on a night watch en route to Key West and on another watch being entertained for nearly an hour by a pod of 20-30 dolphins under an almost full moon and catching a 3 foot, 25 lbs Wahoo Wahoo on our last leg from the Dry Tortugas to Marco Island. He fed the three of us that night and four of us the next (Cort Peterson drove down from Clearwater to sail in the afternoon and drive us back to Ft. Lauderdale) with a good portion left over for Cort to take home. We got a good taste of Key West and The Dry Tortugas, which are fascinating places and had wonderful conditions to put our new boat through the paces, sailing with all the different sails (including spinnaker) and on all points of sail. We were quite pleased with the performance and Marcel, who has sailed over 10,000 miles on numerous boats was impressed with the boat as well. God is so good! We have already had our first two guests aboard and want to have many more, so start making your plans to come Sail and Serve with us! If this mini-adventure was an appetizer to what God has in store for us we are very excited indeed!

"Smiley," which is what I call Beatrice when she is not mad at me, still has a warm glow from the sun and humid air and somehow seems softer and sweeter than ever, if that is possible. She narrowly escaped the mad rush up to Kids Camp at church and is now blissfully unemployed but fully activated in the new mad rush of sorting out the myriad details of our new life and adventure and all that needs to be done prior to climbing into a vehicle and setting off across country to move into our new floatable home on Marco Island in the beginning of June. Please pray!

Josh can’t wait for school to be over and is ready to go! He is looking forward to visit India, Greece and Rome.

Gabriella says “I am so excited I am counting the days and I am happy to sail anywhere!”

Thanks to your involvement and prayers, God has made several things clear to us and we are excited to share with you some of the ministry doors he has opened:

1. Youth With a Mission. YWAM is an inter-denominational, non-profit Christian, missionary organization Founded by Loren Cunningham in 1960. YWAM's stated purpose is to "know God and to make Him known." YWAM now trains 25,000 missionaries annually and has over 10,000 bases in 180 countries.  We have been accepted as "Mission Builders" this winter on St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Beatrice and I met and fell in love at YWAM, Amsterdam and that is also where I first fully repented of my old, sinful nature and surrendered my heart and life to the Lordship of Jesus. We obviously are excited to rejoin a ministry that has meant so much to both of us. Much more about this partnership in future editions! http://crandalls.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/cropped-dscf9526.jpg

http://dalelopez.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/screen-shot-2013-06-20-at-9-21-56-am.png2. Gideons International. I recently renewed my membership with the Gideons and Beatrice became an Auxiliary member. We are so thrilled to be able to partner with this worldwide organization that is built on two simple but very powerful tools of the Christian faith: God’s word and Prayer. We already envision ourselves taking long prayer walks, as a family, with several bibles stuffed in our pockets, eager to see whom or what God will put in our path. We are also eager to visit some of the many Gideon camps all over the world, to join and assist them in the work they are doing. 

International Fellowship Every THURSDAY @ 6:30 HANGAR 613. Denver Ignite Ministries. This is our "sending agency" and a vibrant and vital local ministry for Burmese, Thai and other S.E. Asian refugees which also supports missionaries to Burma. They are a 501 c3 so tax deductible support can be sent to us through them. They have done mission trips to Guatemala, Ukraine and of course Burma. We are eager to see how God will use this partnership. We hope to visit Burma during the course of our travels and see what God is up to there. According to John Lewis, the founder of this ministry, what He is doing is awesome and the church is exploding there!

We know that God will continue to open doors and help us network with other believers all over the globe and we earnestly desire your involvement in that process. Actually there are a number of ways that we would love to have you join our team:

1. Contact Information: Do you know other believers or missionaries living in the Caribbean, Central America, South Pacific, Austral-Asia, Eastern Africa or Europe in coastal areas? We believe God is calling us to network with other Christians and also that he wants to use us as a sort of window from various places in the world back to you here in America to show what He is doing out there. 

2. Come Sail and Serve. We want as many of you as possible to come serve alongside us for a day, a week or a month and then sail, snorkel or just enjoy the local culture. The possibilities are virtually endless so if you have any inclination toward using your vacation or free time this way please contact us. We can help you make it affordable, deeply meaningful and very memorable! Or, perhaps you have entered into a chapter or season of your life where you just need rest, restoration and/or healing. We would delight in using our floating home to see how God can use some focused prayer and the tranquility of time spent living on water to bring about the changes you're needing.

3. Financial Support. We have raised about 30% of the funding we believe we will need to make this ministry as effective as we think it can be, and we would feel so encouraged if you would partner with us in this way. Would you please prayerfully consider making a monthly commitment? Right now we need about sixty people to pledge a monthly support of $50 or more, but even if you can only commit to $5 or $10 a month it would be a great encouragement to us! Even a one-time gift would be appreciated. Please see the notes at bottom to see how you can give a tax deductible donation to support this ministry God has called us to. So we can plan ahead and budget would you please send a quick email (see address below) letting us know your intentions if you plan to support us.

4. Prayer Support. Last and most importantly please pray. Pray for Provision and Protection if you feel God is calling you to, but here is how we would like most of you to be praying. Remember Joshua (The one in the Bible not our oldest child, although you can remember him too). Pray that we, like Joshua, would not shrink back from the task that God has called us to, nor be like the ten spies who let their fears get the best of them. Pray that we would be strong and very courageous and that we would follow and serve God whole heartedly. Pray that we, like Joshua, would leave "nothing undone of all that God commanded." Josh 11:15. Also remember Mary and pray we would not be, like Martha, anxiously fretting about all the tasks needing to be done and critical of what others are not doing but rather like Mary who sat contently at her Savior's feet worshiping and adoring him, enjoying his presence, learning from Him and being swept up in communion with him. When you pray for us please remember Joshua and Mary.

Financial Information: So that your contribution(s) are tax deductible please make checks out to Ignite Ministries and attach a note with "Sail and Serve" or Shoemakers on it. Please mail checks to 1416 Pinyon Dr. Castle Rock, CO. 80104. Also make tax deductible donations via Pay Pal on our website http://sailandserve1.blogspot.com   You can make the gift recur monthly right there.

Even if you are just making a one-time donation would you also please send a quick email (address below) so we can thank you?

Our Email: sailandserve@gmail.com  We would love to hear from you about anything!

Our Websitehttp://sailandserve1.blogspot.com/   There is a place on our home page where you can sign up to automatically receive our blog posts in your email inbox.  Please note that even if you have given us your email, we cannot sign you up for this service, it has to be entered on the website by you. This newsletter and future newsletters (with links to various websites) will be posted here as will our more frequent blogs, praise and prayer reports and a whole bunch of other good stuff like pictures, videos and location of the boat. Part of the goal is to make you curious and eager enough to come Sail and Serve with us!

Thank you so much for partnering with us in this endeavor.  We hope it will be life changing for many.  For us, for those we meet and serve, and for you as you partner with this ministry!

In Him

Kenny & Beatrice
Josh & Gabriella

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I took a docking class with one of you. You guys ever take off?
